
WWE Payback 2023 Predictions: 5 possible finishes to Seth Rollins vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Seth Rollins will be going head-to-head against Shinsuke Nakamura at the WWE Payback 2023 show, and predictions are in full swing for this match. this is going to be a cracker of a fight as two of the best in the industry will be heading down in an absolute gutter war. The industry has been pulling off the match without much hype which has somehow been the tradition of this PPV after 2023 has been riddled with one blockbuster PPV with the other.

Now, to be honest, the outcome of Nakamura and Rollins will obviously be a massive battle in terms of the storylines and also everything else that can come knocking on the doors after this battle. With all said and done, here are five possible outcomes of this incredible match-up.

#1 WWE Payback 2023 predictions – Seth Rollins wins and retains the title

The Visionary will be pinning Shinsuke and most importantly will be walking away with the title around his waist without any adversity coming in front. Expect a handful of stomps to rock the show but more importantly, expect Seth to pin the King clean without any interferences whatsoever.


#2 WWE Payback 2023 predictions – Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Seth clean

Well, Nakamura is being more of an anti-hero now instead of being the heel. So there is a possibility that he can have a face-turn with a victory against Seth Rollins which would again be a landmark moment for the King particularly with the long hiatus that he was forced to be in. Nakamura settled for the break for a particular reason and this title run should exactly justify for the pause that he went in.


#3 Damian Priest walks in and cashes in on Seth Rollins

Well, this can very well be another predominant possibility with the Archer of Infamy taking over the belt around his waist. He has been putting up a phenomenal run in recent times and would obviously be hounding around the two with the MITB contract on the line.

With all said and done, once these two are down and out, that is exactly when Damian walks out to cash in and well, the belt may be finally his.


#4 Damian Priest tries cash in, Finn Balor objects, Seth runs away with the title

Well, the friction between Damian Priest and Finn Balor is still growing under the façade of unity that is being propelled by Rhea Ripley. With Seth and Shinsuke going head on, things may turn into a dogfight with both amazing wrestlers baring themselves out, Damian Priest would be attempting a cash in and there comes Finn gatecrashing the party. The rest is all about Seth retaining his title and a new feud between Finn and Priest.

#5 Seth Rollins wins the match-up via disqualification


Well, Shinsuke Nakamura goes all berserk and unleashed hell on Seth without caring for the result just to make sure that he sends out a message. He dominates Finn, destroys him and walks out without even caring for the upshot. Typical King they say.

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