
Sachin Tendulkar refuses to play Road Safety tournament amidst reports of non-payment of players

Sachin Tendulkar was the brand ambassador of the first edition of Road Safety series

The master blaster Sachin Tendulkar will not take part in the upcoming edition of the Road Safety tournament which is scheduled to take place in UAE. While there hasn’t been any official word either from Sachin or from the organisers, it is believed Sachin is not happy with the fact that a lot of players who took part in the tournament last season haven’t been paid fully yet.

Road Safety series was basically organised to raise awareness among the viewers to follow all the necessary guidelines and precautions while driving on the road, but the tournament was a massive success on the commercial front as well, as huge crowds turned up for the initial games of the tournament and it also attracted decent TV audience as the games were televised by Colors Cineplex.

Sachin Tendulkar was the brand ambassador of the tournament and it was because of his association with the tournament that the organisers were able to pull players from many countries to make the tournament a grand success. However, almost a year has gone by now and the second edition of the tournament is about to get underway, but a lot of players are yet to be paid for the previous season.


The organisers are still going ahead with the second edition, but Sachin has decided to disassociate himself from the tournament in all forms. It was a tournament which was given approval by BCCI as well, even though BCCI

didn’t govern the tournament and it was because of BCCI’s approval that so many prominent players decided to sign up.

However, with the reports emerging of non-payment, the reputation of the whole tournament is at stake and the players might be very hesitant to participate in the second edition of the tournament now.

Sachin Tendulkar has disassociated himself from Legends League Cricket (LLC) as well

Sachin Tendulkar had recently released a statement disassociating himself from the Legends League Cricket (LLC) as well, which is another tournament being organised for the former players with India’s former coach Ravi Shastri being the commissioner of it. The reason of Sachin’s unavailability for Legends League cricket is not clear yet.


The news of the non-payment of the players in Road Safety tournament first came to light in Bangladesh media which reported that some of the former Bangladesh players who went to India to take part in the tournament have still not got their payment and are waiting for it.




I write a bit on cricket and I am more interested in technical and tactical side of the game, rather than bravado.

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