
Here is the reason why Cody Rhodes was the best choice to win WWE Royal Rumble 2024

It was one helluva battle at the Royal Rumble and Cody Rhodes made excellent headways to eventually outlast all the superstars and bag the winning ticket. He was on his way to WrestleMania main event and that made Roman Reigns scared, maybe? He just didn’t want to show.

So what exactly made Cody Rhodes the perfect choice to go two in two in the Rumble? This feat happened after 26 years, as the last man to repeat the heroics in two consecutive years was none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin, another legend of the company. Here are three reasons why Cody Rhodes was the perfect choice to be the winner of RR.

#1 An absolute fan favourite

The final four in the ring witnessed Cody, Gunther, Drew McIntyre and CM Punk, four of the biggest faces in the company. Gunther is getting there slowly but he is not ready yet for a ticket to WM as the main-eventer. Drew is battling his own demons and is being pushed to the limit where he will eventually turn heel to inflict an absolute assault upon the two other heroes.


CM Punk has just arrived and will need a few moments be fore he can go looking for the belt or a title shot. Hence, Cody Rhodes, the American Nightmare.


#2 Cody Rhodes has been cutting the best promos and that is the need of the hour for Royal Rumble winner

Well, Cody’s ability to tell stories and connect them with the history of WWE and his own family makes it a lot more appealing to the fans. Also it allows the other wrestlers to explore a certain angle that make things look as real as it gets, make the rivalry personal and hence the beatdown even more personal. That is why WWE needed someone who can sell stories and here we are.


#3 Cody is a star and there is no taking away from it

Cody has been here for an eternity and now its his kingdom that is on the rise. The best man for the title shot and the best man to take it forward, Cody has it all. The WWE fans will be loving it and truth be told from a heel championship run, it’s time that the WWE authority decides to go away and get a face in place.

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