Triple H and his wife, Stephanie McMahon, have been known as the resident power couple of WWE for a long time. The duo started dating around the same time they were aligned in the McMahon-Hemsley storyline. They tied the knot in 2003 and have been blessed with three beautiful girls.
However, a former three-time champion in WWE recently admitted to having asked out the Billion Dollar Princess long before she and Triple H got together.
Which three-time champion in WWE asked out Stephanie McMahon?
During a recent appearance on The False Finish podcast, former WWE superstar Dennis Knight, popularly known as Mideon during his stint in Undertaker’s Ministry of Darkness, admitted that he asked out Stephanie McMahon on a date before Triple H did.
However, Stephanie declined the proposal, mentioning that her father and then WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, was against her daughter getting involved with wrestlers.
“I was the first person to ask Stephanie McMahon out. Oh my God, was I in love with her? Not long after I first got there, I asked her out; go see a movie. She’s like, ‘Oh, well, my dad won’t let me date wrestlers or anything!’ You know, a year or two later, with Hunter [Triple H] and all that. Couldn’t be a better couple, though. I don’t know what their life together’s like, but I love them both. [I] saw her at the Hall of Fame and just gave her a giant hug. I love them; they’re nice!”
Of course, Stephanie went against her dad’s wishes and began dating Triple H later, which culminated in a happy marriage that has been going on strong ever since. The Game now sits at the helm of the corporate management as the Chief Content Officer. Stephanie McMahon left WWE a few years back to focus on her family but recently made a few appearances on WWE television programming.
As for Mideon, he had a short run with the company, with Ministry of Darkness being the highlight of his career in WWE before leaving the promotion in the late 1990s.