
“I literally raised my voice to Vince McMahon”, Vince Russo reveals what went down between him and the former boss in a crucial juncture

Former WWE head writer, Vince Russo has dropped the truth bomb about a moment when he had a heated argument with the owner of the Stamford-based promotion, Vince McMahon. He is not the only one to have had a heated argument with Vince McMahon as many other wrestlers have pointed out that they were not in the best of relations with McMahon either.

The fans would remember Attitude Era for those countless rivalries. One of the biggest storylines was being played between Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Being a sports entertainment company, if there is one motto that WWE lived by back then was that of babyface vs heel rivalries.

McMahon once wanted to have Stone Cold Austin vs Undertaker as a babyface versus babyface match-up. And knowing the WWE audience back then, they wanted a hero and they wanted a villain. Unless that happened, the fans would barely take in a rivalry, even it was Taker and Austin.


Here is what Vince Russo had to say about his rift with Vince McMahon


Speaking on Legion of RAW, Russo said, “I’ll never forget man, it was the Highway to Hell in SummerSlam and it was Taker against Austin. I think this was the one and only time I literally raised my voice to Vince McMahon. What happened was that Taker and Austin were such good friends and good buddies that they wanted to have a babyface match. They didn’t want there to be a heel and a babyface. I remember it was Madison Square Garden and I got into an argument.”

During the same interview Vince Russo also revealed that McMahon respected how Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin shared an amazing bond and they did an incredible work in the industry which drove respect amongst the fans as well. Irrespective of their differences, it was the gentry of the work that these two legends did which made officials cut them significant slack.


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