
​WWE SummerSlam Early Predictions: 3 Tag Teams Who Can Challenge Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the titles

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens have been doing a pretty fine job as the tag team partners as they have been defending the tag-team title regularly. Almost bringing the tradition of the old-school days alive, Zayn and Owens have been putting themselves and their titles on the line if not for other tag-team partners who have been pairing along to propel the storylines of WWE.

With all said and done, obviously they will have to be challenged someday and who are the ones in the industry who at the moment can do that? Well, the Usos will be occupied by the Bloodline story while the Judgement Day is dealing with their own implosion at the moment. Hence, here are three tag teams who can try and challenge Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens at WWE Summer Slam.

#1 Pretty Deadly can challenge Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

The newfound tag team on the WWE roster, Pretty Deadly comprising the likes of Elton Prince and Kit Wilson are rising swiftly through the ranks. At the moment they are playing heels with a tender heart but then again, it would only be a matter of moments before they bring out their absolute best.


They are well-built and their wrestling style matches that of Owens and Zayn. They will be a fine pair to challenge the WWE Tag Team champions.

#2 Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci

The Imperium has been making all the right noises and obviously led by Gunther, it has come close to harrowing the other faces out in the center. However, without Gunther as well, Kaiser and Vinci have been pretty sharp and their instincts coupled with their wrestling flair make them a pretty formidable opposition for Zayn and Owens.

#3 Street Profits can challenge Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

The Street Profits have been doing the rounds for a while now and their tryst with destiny have occasionally drifted in and out of control. They have had their fair shares of hitting the right zones with the titles around their waist while the duo of Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins have been showcasing some decent wrestling flair as well. With all said and done, they can be a perfect match for Owens and Zayn.


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