
​WWE Money in the Bank 2023 Predictions: 3 Ways The Usos Can Defeat Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa

WWE Money in the Bank 2023 predictions for the Bloodline Civil War are the hottest topic of discussion in pro wrestling circles right now.

Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa are now busy forging a new faction that would probably be continuing the torn strings of the Bloodline and at the moment there seems to be a major obstacle coming their way and it is the Usos.

Jimmy and Jey have broken apart from the faction after incessant rifts but then again with all said and done, the upcoming war between Reigns and Sikoa and the Usos will probably be heralding a new era of stories.


Here are three possible outcomes that can happen between the imploded Bloodline and the Usos where the latter emerge victorious but believe this or not, it won’t be straightforward, and it won’t remain straightforward. It will invoke all possible outcomes that should not be there in the first place.

#1 WWE Money in the Bank 2023 predictions – Will The Rock return? 

The Rock may step in when it’s a bloodline matter and eventually given the face that he has now become, it is needless to say that he would be siding with the Usos and there are no second thoughts about this.


Dwayne Johnson, being the swaggering face of the Anoai family, he would obviously be the first name that can intervene and help the Usos to win.

#2 The Usos get Paul Heyman to turn against Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa

The Usos somehow get Paul Heyman to finally flip the tide and just when Roman Reigns isn’t expecting all the drama, Paul Heyman, his wiseman turns against him and intervenes, securing a victory for the twins, thereby jeopardizing the fate of the Bloodline once and for all, leaving Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa to fend for themselves.

#3 WWE Money in the Bank 2023 predictions – Will Rikishi return? 

The fans will simply leap into a frenzy if Rikishi steps into the ring again but this time to aid the Usos. Also, him inflicting the Stink Face on Roman Reigns, well, that’s an added icing on the cake and the fans would go absolutely berserk for a show like that, particularly on a PPV as big as the Money in the Bank.


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