WWE Backlash 2023 Match Card: Here Is The Probable Reason Why Seth Rollins Vs Omos Match Is Happening

Dutch Mantell has given his take on Seth Rollins vs Omos happening at Backlash next month in Puerto Rico. He feels that WWE has booked the match to avoid “burning out” another Rollins storyline.

Backlash 2023 is happening at San Juan, Puerto Rico and WWE announced that its tickets are all sold out. Dutch Mantell revealed that Triple H’s team does not have the pressure to sell any more tickets now.

This is why they can have their top stars like Seth in a match without any angle or storyline. Mantell also quoted Triple H and asked the fans to “let the story play out.” He said, “You heard Triple H say ‘the story is never finished.’ So, let it play out. See, Puerto Rico is sold out, anyway. So they don’t need to burn anything with Seth right now. That may not even be the reason.” 



Also Smack Talk co-host Rick Ucchino pointed out that Rollins might have a “holding pattern” going on. In the WWE Draft that’s coming up very soon, Rollins will move to SmackDown, he said.

How did Seth Rollins react to his match vs Omos at WWE Backlash 2023?

Rollins has taken to Instagram and has requested his Puerto Rican fans to do something in his insta-story. He has asked them to sing. “Time to sing PR,” Rollins wrote. It’s customary for his fans to sing his entrance music when he arrives and he wants the fans in the Latin nation to do the same.

Omos has re-tweeted a post about him and Rollins as well. Both these superstars have never faced each other. The only time the two superstars have clashed is during a No. 1 Contenders match for the United States Championship in January. Omos caught hold of Austin Theory when Rollins stomped him on the announcer’s table. The Nigerian Giant might have a bone to pick with the Visionary come May 6th.


Akashdip Singh

WWE Fan by birth, Content writer by choice

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