
Wrestlemania XL is just the start of something epic between Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre – Exploring further storyline

Ever since his win in the Royal Rumble, Drew McIntyre has been on an unstoppable run and that is what WWE has been planning to do. The Scottish Psychopath is back and he is wreaking havoc in his wake. McIntyre’s biggest strength has been his ability to bring the fight to his opposition and the kind of burly stature that he runs forth with, that is nothing short of incredible.

However, the masterstroke that WWE has actually deployed is by pitting him against Seth Rollins. Two of the greatest characters that WWE now as onboard and possibly both are WWE future of Hall of Fame inductees. The kind of fight that they bring to the platter, that is just incredible.

From Seth Rollins’ brilliant athleticism to Drew McIntyre’s brawling style, these two are just phenomenal. One particular thing about McIntyre maybe his lack of storytelling skills but the fact that WWE now wants to go forth with his natural story makes him an apex predator.


Seth Rollins, on the contrary, is indeed a visionary whether it is with the mic or with t he promos. From going head on against Rock when he slapped Cody

to simply calling out Punk without any regards whatsoever is what makes him a brilliant personality.

In fact, fans believe that he would have absolutely nailed the madness if the Joker gimmick would have been extended. That is the class and calibre of Seth. People believe that WrestleMania XL is going to be the culmination of this iconic rivalry.

However, for the fans, this is just the start. Exactly like Cody couldn’t finish his story at the last WM, similarly, Seth and Drew are about to hit a long road and that is downright scary. What are the possible routes?


Firstly, the two goes all guns blazing at each other and tries to bring the roof down. One particular stipulation can bring them unhinged is a no-holds barred match.

The second one can possibly be the last man standing caveat where both just inflict a terrible assault upon each other, riding hard on the vengeance that they crave for each other.

The final one though may involve another big name in the industry and that is the Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest. With the Money in the bank contract still there, he may hit his stride as an individual superstar with a sudden cash in and this turns into a triple threat rivalry. Whatever happens, WWE Universe be very prepared for something epic coming your way.


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