Seth Rollins Breaks Silence With A 4-Word Message After WWE Announced His Match For Backlash

Seth Rollins vs Omos is official for Backlash next month and The Visionary has sent a message to his fans. This is the first time ever the two superstars will cross paths.

WWE has shared the match’s promo posters on its social media handles, confirming it. Rollins has taken to Instagram as well, and has requested his Puerto Rican fans to do something in his insta-story. He has asked them to sing. “Time to sing PR,” Rollins wrote.

It’s customary for his fans to sing his entrance music when he arrives and he wants the fans in the Latin nation to do the same. Omos has re-tweeted a post about him and Rollins as well.


Seth Rollins recently commented on his fan interactions

During an appearance on the After The Bell podcast, Rollins shared his views on WWE fans singing his song. He talked about the crowd singing his song at the Madison Square Garden when he had just stomped Matt Riddle. He said, “And I came out to stomp his head into the steel steps, thinking I’m going to hear a chorus of boos when in fact, the choir is singing my song.”

Rollins’ last PPV match was at WrestleMania 39 against Logan Paul, which he won. However, Omos lost his match against Brock Lesnar on that super-show. The only time the two superstars have clashed is during a No. 1 Contenders match for the United States Championship in January. Omos was aligned with Bobby Lashley back then and was trying to help him win.

He caught hold of Austin Theory when Rollins stomped him right there on the announcer’s table. Therefore, the 7 foot 3 Nigerian Giant might have a bone to pick with the Visionary and might want revenge. This fresh new match-up will definitely be the one to watch-out for and will be a good clash of styles.


Akashdip Singh

WWE Fan by birth, Content writer by choice

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