On Friday, former India Head Coach Ravi Shastri appeared in a relaxed mode on his social media accounts. He had plenty of posts on Twitter and even conducted a short Q&A session. It is in this session that a user asked Ravi Shastri to make a pick between Virat Kohli and Ravi Shastri. In his trademark style, Ravi had a hilarious response to the query. In this article, we take a look at what Ravi Shastri had to say when a fan asked him to pick between Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli.
Ravi Shastri has seen Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli closely
When Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma were growing in their career, Ravi Shastri was a commentator. He was present in almost every Indian game and of course, in IPL, as well. When the Rohit-Virat duo had established themselves, Ravi Shastri became the coach of the Indian Cricket Team. He was in the role for quite a few years. Hence, he has seen both of them very closely. Therefore, there are often questions asked to Ravi about the best two batters of this generation in India.
The former India coach comes up with a hilarious response
The debate on who is the better between Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma is a big topic in Indian cricket. Almost every day, there are multiple fans who engage in this discussion. Having seen both of them from close quarters, a Twitter user was naturally interested in Ravi Shastri’s opinion about the same. He asked the question and here is what the former Indian all-rounder said:
Jiski bhi party mei zada mazze hai
— Ravi Shastri (@RaviShastriOfc) May 20, 2022
Ravi Shastri’s response translates to “In whose party there is more fun”. This was an epic response considering his lifestyle and the social media activity of the day. Below this response, fans hilariously started discussing whom between Rohit and Virat could have better parties.