“Randy Does Not Have Many Close People”- Orton’s Wife Kim Opens Up On The Viper’s Friendship With John Cena

John Cena and Randy Orton had always been the best of rivals in the ring but if some rivalry defined the PG Era when the fans were still try to cope with the death of the Attitude Era, it was that of John Cena and Randy Orton.

If you take a look at the matches of both the wrestlers, then you would possibly witness the maximum brutality and the fans loved every bit of it. One of the primary reasons being, a heel Randy Orton is always a lot more vicious than face Randy and there was no stopping the Viper. While Cena being the good guy, the duo lived out their rivalries.

However, off the ring, they are great friends and possibly the best off friends and they have utter admiration for each other. In fact, so strong is the love for each other that they even call themselves brothers.


Here is what Kim Orton had to say about the Randy Orton’s friendship with John Cena


On the latest episode that was released by Wives of Wrestling, Randy Orton’s wife, Kim Orton spilled the beans about an incredible gesture of Cena. In fact, she also agreed that Cena is one of Randy’s best buddies.

Kim said, “Randy doesn’t have many close people, but John [Cena] is one of them. And anytime any one of them do anything, they are always like reaching out to each other.”

Now talking about Cena and Randy Orton, both are future Hall of Famers and it goes without saying that one fine day someone will have to induce both of them into the WWE Hall of Fame.


So when asked whom Randy Orton would like to be his inductor, the couple nodded in unison about John Cena doing the honours and that itself is just a testimony to the unreserved love that the duo holds for each other.

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