
Nasser Hussain Points Out How Ben Stokes Transformed The England Test Team

Nasser Hussain Points Out How Ben Stokes Transformed The England Test Team: England’s Test cricket side has witnessed a remarkable turnaround in the past year, and much of that credit goes to the skipper, Ben Stokes. Nasser Hussain, the former England captain, recently commended Stokes’ exceptional leadership in a column for the Daily Mail. Despite the team’s current 1-2 standing in the ongoing Ashes series, Stokes, along with coach Brendon McCullum, has brought about an unprecedented shift in England’s Test performance.

Ben Stokes: The Architect of Transformation

Nasser Hussain Points Out How Ben Stokes Transformed The England Test Team

Following a period of decline under Joe Root, England found themselves in need of a shakeup. Stokes, alongside coach Brendon McCullum, managed to do just that by bringing an aggressive style of play to the fore. Their new approach mirrored the team’s white-ball strategy, and the impact was almost immediate. England racked up an impressive 11 victories in their 13 Tests under the new leadership, before the current Ashes series.


Hussain pointed out the challenges Stokes faced at the helm, emphasizing the necessity of his tough-minded leadership style. He stated, “Ben Stokes faced another kind of challenge — England were a likeable team under Joe Root and Chris Silverwood, but they went into a downward spiral. Stokes had to come in and change not just the culture, but the results.”

The Aggressive Brand of Cricket

Nasser Hussain Points Out How Ben Stokes Transformed The England Test Team

Stokes’ promise to uphold an aggressive brand of cricket certainly seems to have paid off. Hussain lauded him for staying true to his word, adding, “And he has done that very well: 12 wins out of 17, with a rainy draw that would probably have been another win, and margins of defeat that include one run and two wickets. And Stokes has been true to his word, because England have continued to attack.”


The 32-year-old skipper’s impact cannot be understated. In the wake of a demoralizing series loss against the West Indies in early 2022, Stokes replaced Joe Root and promptly led England to series victories over New Zealand and South Africa at home.

Stokes’ Captaincy – The Turning Point

Nasser Hussain Points Out How Ben Stokes Transformed The England Test Team

Stokes’ leadership was truly tested when England toured Pakistan. Impressively, England achieved a stunning 3-0 whitewash, a feat of historic significance. Following this, England also managed to secure a 1-1 draw in a tough series in New Zealand earlier this year.


Despite the current challenge in the Ashes series, the transformation of England’s Test side under Stokes’ leadership has been quite astonishing. His ability to create a winning culture while maintaining an aggressive style of play has truly revolutionized the team. As Hussain rightfully said, Stokes had the tough job of not only changing the culture but also securing the results – and he has undoubtedly been successful on both fronts.

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