“I Couldn’t Do The Thing The Way Vince McMahon Wanted It”- 51-year-old Legend Explains Why He Quit WWE

When we talk about tag teams in the history of WWE wrestling, one of the names that always does the rounds is none other than the Dudley Boyz featuring Bully Ray and D-Von Dudley. Arguably one of the finest tag teams and also one of the crowd favourites ruled the roost with love for the sport. But then in an unwanted conclusion, the tag team was tarnished by another big name in the industry and that was of none other than Vince McMahon.

In a conversation with Bully Ray or more popularly known as Bubba Ray Dudley, he revealed what Vince McMahon told him and the details are grisly enough. For someone as good as Bully, the fact that things got scary is a living testimonial of how things can change.

The Dudley Boyz returned to fight with the New Day in SummerSlam 2015 and remained a year in the WWE ring until the next year’s SummerSlam. However, fans believe that this was possibly for the good as they barely scratched the surface that the changing scene of WWE had to represent.


However, that wasn’t the ending of Bully Ray as he continues to fight on renowned circuits and most importantly at times takes digs at WWE, laying out plots for the company while criticizing a few move of theirs. Talk about drama and Bully Ray loves all of it.


Here is what Bully Ray was being told by Vince McMahon

On one of the episodes of Chris Van Vliet, Bully Ray revealed a conversation with Vince McMahon. The details though sounded more sacrificing than raising him to the pedestal that he deserved. Sp what went wrong for Bubba?

He said, “I told Vince I couldn’t do the Dudley thing the way he wanted it. We did it for a year. Vince sat me and D-Von and said, ‘Here’s what I want you to do. Work with The New Day, help them get over. Work with The Usos, help them get over. Work with Wyatts, help them get over. And then whoever else we throw at you’. Okay, you got it, no problem. The boss sat us down. This is how much he’s paying us. This is what he needs. You got it, but after a year of doing it – okay, I’m burned out on The Dudleys and I know I got Bully Ray in my back pocket.”


In fact after the conversation, Bully also had a chat with D-Von about not re-signing with the company. However, he did reconciliate with the company and played a very successful producer while Bully said ‘adios’.

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