
How Drew McIntyre has changed his entire promo game?

One of the hottest topics in WWE off late has been the promo game of Drew McIntyre. We all knew that heel Drew was always a step ahead of others and the man worked more than anyone else in the company to be where he is today. From his days in the 3 MB to his current showdown for WWE, very few wrestlers come within the vicinity of Drew.

Drew has been raising hell with the microphone and somehow he is matching the energy of CM Punk. The question obviously that now stands is whether Punk is drawing himself back. The Chicago made superstar may have had a bit of reins on what he used to be but then it is still Punk.


So if someone is dropping pipebombs upon him, that has to come with force and recognition. Drew’s latest promo made the audience chant β€˜What’ and the man shut up the entire audience with just one statement and that was already going viral over the internet.

However, if there is one man to thank for this entire transition, it has to be Triple H. The Game has allowed the use of certain phrases that kind of stepped away from WWE under the reign of Vince and the last decade. It was not that Vince hadn’t showed the gruesome side of WWE but then in the last decade, if he faced controversy even once, he was quick to pull the trigger.


Hunter has enabled Drew McIntyre to go forward with his speech slamming others and with that being said, the Scottish Psychopath has elevated himself superiorly with the mic.



Going toe-to-toe with Punk isn’t all about showing your wrestling flair. You will need sharp mic skills too to match him. The only ones who could successfully parallel Punk were the Great Rock, John Cena and his former counsel, Paul Heyman.

The very show of Drew currently is just a sign of what he is capable of and what he brings forth to the table. In the current roster of wrestlers if someone is capable of bringing the war of words to life, it should be Drew and Punk.


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