Has WWE Been Sold?

A lot is already brewing on the plates of WWE as a new report states that the company is up for sale and it apparently feels that a buyer is all lined up. Vince Russo explicated the fact that the WWE’s recent SEC filing hints at McMahon’s power to sell the company.

With the heftiest juggernaut of entertainment wrestling all set to shuffle its ownership, the sounds have been made for all the right reasons for a while now and with the recently developing rumours, it seems that the transaction is finally going to take place.

Here is what Vince Russo had to say about WWE being sold

As per the latest SEC filling, it was clear that Vince can actually sell the company without approval from any of the shareholders. Vince believes that SEC filling alongside the heated comments from Nick Khan somehow signifies the fact that the WWE company is already sold.

Going by the reports of Sportskeeda Wrestling’s, the Wrestling Outlaws, Russo said that McMahon didn’t want any third party involved as it usually delays the process. Russo added, “Just yesterday, there was a new filing with the WWE and SEC, where Vince McMahon basically said the vote of the shareholders count no more. And bro, if you connect the dots, the reason being there is a deal in place. And he doesn’t want anybody to eff it up. He doesn’t want the shareholders to vote.”



The veteran also believes that one just needs to have a closer look at what exactly is happening and the entire puzzle will be solved. Russo further said, “When you put the pieces, the company has been sold!” 

It will be interesting to see what happens next in this direction. One thing is for sure the WWE will have a new ownership in the coming few days.


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