
“Freedom is oxygen of the soul,” Former NZ allrounder Chris Cairns shares pictures of recovery from paralysis

Chris Cairns had suffered paralysis in lower part of his body because of a stroke

The former New Zealand allrounder Chris Cairns, who has lost movement in the lower part of his body because of back to back heart surgeries and a stroke, has come up with some great news for his fans as he posted on twitter earlier today that he has been able to stand unaided.

A few days ago in one of his interviews, Chris Cairns had said that although he is very hopeful of regaining the movement of his lower body, it’s possible that he might never regain it and he might have to spend the rest of his life on a wheelchair, which is something he has made peace with.

But with today’s news that Cairns could stand unaided and was actually able to swim as well for a decent period of time, one can be hopeful that one of the greatest New Zealand players ever and one of the best test allrounders of all time can regain full movement at some point of time in future.


Cairns had made it clear a while back if he was to regain movement, it wasn’t going to be a quick process and he would have a long way to go to regain full movement, but it seems he is on the right path to recovery and might successfully complete it.

Chris Cairns, when he used to play cricket in his prime, had his well-wishers all across the globe, regardless of natinalities simply because he was such a watchable player with both bat and ball. He was a classic exponent of banana swing with the new red cherry in test cricket, which was a sight to behold for the fans.

Cairns could also launch big, massive sixes into the stands batting in the middle order. The story of his illness was a grim story for the majority of the cricket world, however now to see him recover from a fatal illness is something the fans are very, very happy about.



Chris Cairns had suffered a rare heart illness called aortic dissection

The kind of illness Cairns had suffered is not one of the common heart diseases, for which the procedure is easily available. It was a tear in the heart called aortic dissection, which is a condition needed to be treated extremely quickly for the patient to have any chance of recovery.

Cairns fortunately got to the hospital on time which ensured there was no delay in treatment and the doctors put in their best efforts with multiple surgeries to save his life.



I write a bit on cricket and I am more interested in technical and tactical side of the game, rather than bravado.

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