All glistening chapters come to an end as they say that ‘the end’ is a part of the journey, so comes a conclusion to the illustrious chapter of the WWE stint by two of the most dominant women wrestlers to have taken the ring, Nikki and Brie Bella or whom you better know as the Bella Twins.
As confirmed by People WWE and various other news outlets, Brie and Nikki will be leaving their Bella identity to head back to their original identity of Nikki and Brie Garcia and will be known as the Garcia Twins.
The twins who have had their fair share of run in the ring and was actively involved in various other shows, came up with an official declaration of their departure from the WWE and also resorting to their original identity of the Garcia twins.
On the latest episode of the Sirius XM show which will be called the Nikki and Brie Show going forward, the twins announced, “Today we are officially from here on out, the Garcia Twins, Brie and Nikki Garcia.”
Nikki further explained that it was not an easy call to part ways with their Bella identity but at the end of the day as they are about to make the cut for 40 years of their life, it is time for them to embrace a new chapter of their life. Nikki’s exact words were, “We’re going to be 40 in November.”
Here is what Twitter had to say about the Bella Twins
Brie further added, “I just knew it was time to head into this next chapter. I am so excited to close the chapter on Brie Bella” and open up a new book in her life. “Let’s see what Brie Garcia is going to do next.” Twitter had their own take on this as a few congratulated the Twins on their new venture while others had a frown on their faces.
Tbh pic.twitter.com/immNnMB6Qj
— XavienHowardBuner (@XavienBuner) March 14, 2023
I thought Danielson wife was in AEW as an ambassador?
— FudgeWilde (@Fudgewilde) March 15, 2023
— Tyler (@Rise_Salute) March 14, 2023
WWE 2k23 just came out, they're in the game and now they're out of the company?😂
— Chandler Patrick “ChanMan” (@ChanMan219) March 14, 2023
The stans will be out in full force I bet… And the same train of thought I have is (Who cares, I didn't even know they were still employed and paid by the WWE).
— Rachel C. (@EOWRachel) March 14, 2023
2nd and 3rd best Garcia’s in wrestling pic.twitter.com/lvNOfM9Gos
— Dunc King Of Toronto aka St Dripolas of East York (@The__Bigmac) March 14, 2023
— SirDecarlos32 (@SirDecarlos32) March 14, 2023
— Tag Team Crew (@TagTeamCrew) March 14, 2023
Sounds like WWE wanted them to stop using the Bella names that they own for their projects outside of WWE. Looks like a PR move by the Garcias.
— Peter Sark (@petersark) March 14, 2023
How do you leave something you’re not even in?
— Peter Sark (@petersark) March 14, 2023