
An open letter to Roman Reigns

Dear Roman Reigns,

Call this an attempt of mine to probably lay down the truth for you or let’s say talk about what the fans have to say. Firstly, you are an amazing champion and there is no denying the same. You have been reigning supreme in your own amazing way and raining terror upon the entire locker room.

Not every day does WWE gets to find a superstar like you and not every era does WWE showcase their tremendous ability to keep one star lead a storyline and main event one after the other. You have made the impossible happen and it’s absolutely crazy.


However, I think that the WWE Universe wants to have a word with you in person. Roman, with all said and done, there is no questioning your credibility. But the fact that there are something called storylines, a crucial part on which kayfabe revolves, you have to understand that after a certain point in time, it all dries up.

You need to keep on refreshing the stories, you need new faces, you need new angles or else everyone knows what happened to Kane or Big Show. You wouldn’t want that to happen. You are a character that the WWE Universe loves. Maybe a face turn or a turn into an anti-hero could be sensational as well.

Let’s say a reunion of sorts with Seth Rollins and challenge the other tag teams, a lot can work. Well, I know it’s on the creative team but I also believe that you need to speak up about how you want to be used like you did before in case of the Big Dog storyline.


You are a sensational fighter and the kind of transformation that you have went through, I am sure that versatility has now become your forte. But to be honest, it is now somewhat of boring of knowing the fact that in the end it’s going to be the same storyline. It’s kayfabe, Roman and let’s accept that you are not unbeatable. You are not forging a streak.

So, may be have a word, decide that it’s enough and then happily play the solo warrior that you are so good at.

Yours sincerely,


A crazy wrestling fan

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