
An open letter to KL Rahul

Dear KL Rahul,

Oh how can I explain all those unnamed emotions running wild in me? How can I put a name to all that excitement which I felt seeing you back in the yard? Oh KL that was glory personified. It probably meant so much to me just because so many things were said about you getting lost in the ocean of tales and just being a tale forgotten.

Today, though you showed it to the world that all of them, I repeat all of them were so very wrong. The innings was all about glory, it was about glee, it was about hunger and most importantly it was about belief. The way you paved your own path despite countless obstacles was simply swashbuckling.


KL, a few things that this knock of yours probably taught me is that hanging in there is probably the toughest. You would keep on tumbling over and over again. Getting back on your feet is the most difficult thing that you will have to do. And there will be countless occasions and reasons for you to probably give up. And yet you found the rare one to just hang in there.


Believe me, this probably the toughest part that you would come across and yet the way you came all guns blazing was simply brilliant. There were shots being parked into all corners of the ground while you kept on running consistently with one of the fittest athletes of all time, Virat Kohli.

The temperament that you exhibited was simply mind-blowing while the calm in your eyes was nothing but a blazing testimony to what you are capable of if you start going all guns blazing. Probably this is just that first game and a lot will still be talked about, a lot will come knocking on the doors yet and I have the belief now that you would survive it all.


KL, thank you for making me believe in that unwavering faith that one must have in himself. Thank you for standing up one more time despite the fact that life chose to knock you down for countless times now. Thank you for today. The belief in you just got stronger.

Yours sincerely,

A crazy cricket fan


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