
2 reasons to believe that a part of Attitude Era can be back under the reign of Triple H

We are in 2024 and getting the entirety of Attitude Era back is somewhat next to impossible for WWE because of the most obvious reasons. But then at WrestleMania XL when I See Speed was RKO’ed through the announce table, Michael Cole said “The dog is dead.” Your signature lines from the Attitude Era.

A lot has changed in the last decade and fans somehow miss the real drama and the entertainment and all the thrill that follows. They are overwhelmed with all the new wrestling technicalities that are being rewritten. However, Triple H made it clear that under his reign, WWE will see a new era and that will be a mix of the good things from the former phases while introducing newer things to make it a lot more inclusive. Here are two reasons to believe that WWE Attitude Era maybe back in bits and pieces under Triple H.

#1 The brutal showdown in the WrestleMania XL main event

Of late good pro-wrestling was all about some mighty leaps, some epic staredowns and definitely bringing the house down upon your opposition with a few chairs and kendo sticks. But Triple H wanted to ensure that it is no longer the case.


The way in which the Rock actually humiliated Cody Rhodes ahead of the match, invoking Mama Rhodes, invoking his family, those storylines were somewhere getting extinct. Also, earlier in the Attitude Era, the storytelling was of epic proportions which carried out throughout the match.

#2 The language used in the biggest live event of entertainment

This year’s Showcase of Immortals was all about blending aggression and a handful of promos which made fans emotional. From the inclusion of big names and applying them properly, things went berserk when the main event happened. Flashing in front of our eyes was a main event that was emotional, the culmination of at least a year of brilliant storytelling and most importantly following that up with an even chaotic storyline, that is what changed the entire game.

Hunter means business and he is doing things perfectly. However, it will take time for him to bring back shards of Attitude Era. But once the wheels are in motion, it is only going to be onwards and upwards from thereon.


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